
This page should give you instructions and some ideas on how to use dockware images in Github workflows and pipelines.

Please keep in mind, these might not always be 100% accurate samples, because some things like installing dependencies and so on, might work different in your project. In fact, some of these things are only related to projects, but you should get the idea.

Are we missing something? Just let us know and we'd be happy to add it here!

Cypress Tests

This is a perfect usage for dockware and its pre-installed Shopware version including demo data. Let's assume we have a plugin where we already have some Cypress tests that need a Shopware instance.

We want to run all these tests of our plugin in mutliple Shopware versions within Github.

We start by creating a job with a matrix strategy, where just provide the Shopware versions that we need. In addition to this, we want to test it with different PHP versions.

To avoid a combination of all possibilities, we just create a static list in here, but please feel free to use your own strategy configuration of Github actions!

The real pipeline is started by downloading the correct dockware version of our matrix value. Afterwards we start it with the docker run command and use the HTTPS port 443 as well as our correct PHP version. You can also use any other supported ENV variable in here.

Once started, we just give the container a bit time to launch MySQL and all its services. Usually you use a waitFor approach here, but this does also work really good. In addition to this, we imagine that we must not use https://localhost for our tests, due to some restrictions. So we even have the option to configure a different domain to be used locally within the Github Runner.

Congratulations, your Docker infrastructure with dockware is done!

All we have to do now is to upload the files into our container, and intall and build our plugin as we would usually do.

Once completed, we can install Cypress and start to run the tests against our domain that we have just created for this pipeline.

If everything is done, we make sure to always download the logs and store those within our pipeline. By including the correct name of our shopware version from the matrix, we end up with a single ZIP file with logs and screenshots for all our Shopware versions.

Pro Tip: If you want to see all results of all Shopware versions to detect patterns on problems in specific versions, then it might be a good thing to turn off "fail-fast" in the strategy. The full pipeline will still go on and takes longer even if problems occur, but you'll be rewarded with full results in the end!


fail-fast: false

name: CI Pipeline

      - master


    name: E2E Tests | Shopware ${{ matrix.shopware }}, PHP ${{ matrix.php }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - shopware: ''
            php: '8.0'
          - shopware: ''
            php: '8.0'
          - shopware: ''
            php: '7.4'

      - name: Clone Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Download Docker
        run: |
          docker pull dockware/dev:${{ matrix.shopware }}
      - name: Start Docker
        run: |
          docker run --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name shop --env PHP_VERSION=${{ matrix.php }} -d dockware/dev:${{ matrix.shopware }}
          sleep 30
          docker logs shop
          # now change the domain of our shop if required
          sudo echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
          docker exec shop bash -c "mysql -u root -proot shopware -e \"UPDATE sales_channel_domain SET url='' WHERE url NOT LIKE 'default.%';\""
      - name: Upload into Docker
        run: |
          docker cp $(pwd)/. shop:/var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin
          docker exec shop bash -c 'sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/custom/plugins -R'
      - name: Install and Build Artifacts
        run: |
          docker exec shop bash -c 'cd /var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin && make install -B'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'cd /var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin && make build -B'
      - name: Install/Configure Plugin
        run: |
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console plugin:refresh'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console plugin:install MyPlugin --activate'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console system:config:set MyPlugin.config.MyKey ${{ secrets.MYKEY_TEST }}'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console cache:clear'
      - name: Install Cypress
        run: cd tests/Cypress && make install -B

      - name: Start Cypress
        run: cd tests/Cypress && CYPRESS_BASE_URL= CYPRESS_SHOPWARE=${{ matrix.shopware }} ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run --headless

      - name: Download Logs
        if: ${{ always() }}
        run: |
          mkdir -p $(pwd)/Tests/Cypress/cypress/logs/shopware
          mkdir -p $(pwd)/Tests/Cypress/cypress/logs/apache
          docker cp shop:/var/www/html/var/log/. $(pwd)/Tests/Cypress/cypress/logs/shopware
          docker cp shop:/var/log/php/. $(pwd)/Tests/Cypress/cypress/logs/apache
      - name: Store Cypress Results
        if: ${{ always() }}
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: cypress_results_sw_v${{ matrix.shopware }}
          retention-days: 1
          path: |

Plugin Compatibility Checks

If you are a plugin developer, you may need to approve plugin versions for new Shopware versions. This means you need to test all plugins versions in the latest Shopware version, right?

Here's a pipeline that tests all your existing (hardcoded) plugin releases in a custom Shopware version.

The steps clone the plugin releases based on Github Tags. These tags are then used for the matrix strategy, and all use the same provided Shopware version.

This should give you an idea on what is possible.

You can of course change the way how plugin versions are cloned, if you do not use tags, but something else in Github.

name: Compatibility Pipeline

        description: 'Shopware Version'
        required: true
        description: 'PHP Version'
        required: true
          - 7.4
          - 8.0
          - 8.1


    name: Plugin v${{ matrix.plugin }} | Shopware ${{ github.event.inputs.swVersion }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        plugin: [ '1.2', '1.1', '1.0' ]

      - name: Clone Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: refs/tags/v${{ matrix.plugin }}

      - name: Download Docker
        run: |
          docker pull dockware/dev:${{ github.event.inputs.swVersion }}

      - name: Upload into Docker
        run: |
          docker cp $(pwd)/. shop:/var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin
          docker exec shop bash -c 'sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/custom/plugins -R'
      - name: Upload into Docker
        run: |
          docker cp $(pwd)/. shop:/var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin
          docker exec shop bash -c 'sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/custom/plugins -R'

      - name: Install and Build Artifacts
        run: |
          docker exec shop bash -c 'cd /var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin && make install -B'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'cd /var/www/html/custom/plugins/MyPlugin && make build -B'
      - name: Install/Configure Plugin
        run: |
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console plugin:refresh'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console plugin:install MyPlugin --activate'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console system:config:set MyPlugin.config.MyKey ${{ secrets.MYKEY_TEST }}'
          docker exec shop bash -c 'php bin/console cache:clear'

      - name: Install Cypress
        run: cd tests/Cypress && make install -B

      - name: Start Cypress
        run: cd tests/Cypress && CYPRESS_BASE_URL= CYPRESS_SHOPWARE=${{ github.event.inputs.swVersion }} ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run --headless

Last updated

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