Setup Github Version

Let's start again with our environment. You need the same things as already mentioned in the dev version of Shopware. If you are not familiar with the dev version, you might want to read through that first.

Let's take a look at our main goals for the contribution version.

  1. Start Docker

  2. Prepare Development + IDE

  3. GitHub Fork and Remote

1. Start Docker

Start dockware with our docker-compose.yml template file or your own file. We recommend creating a new folder for your project that contains your docker files.

version: "3"


      image: dockware/contribute:latest
      container_name: shopware
         - "80:80"
         - "3306:3306"
         - "22:22"
         - "8888:8888"
         - "9999:9999"
         - web

    external: false

2. Prepare Development + IDE

Download the source code, and open it in your IDE.

mkdir -p ./src
docker cp shopware:/var/www/html/. ./src

You will now see a folder "platform" that contains Shopware 6.

There are indeed 2 repositories inside each other.

  • shopware/development The main symfony project that has Shopware as dependency in the vendor folder

  • shopware/platform This is the actual Shopware 6 source code. It should be modified in the directory "platform" and is automatically symlinked to the vendor directory of our symfony development project.

Now add the SFTP connection again to upload changes to the dockware container.

Congratulations! That's it, you're ready to improve Shopware and help the community!

Please keep in mind, that you should only develop in the folder "platform"!

3. GitHub Fork and Remote

To create pull requests, you need to have a fork of the Shopware platform on GitHub. Open this page, sign in on the GitHub page and fork the repository:

Afterwards add your new fork as remote in your local git repository. Open your platform directory in your terminal and execute these commands with your username:

git remote add myfork

Last updated

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