Environment Variables
Here is a full list of all available environment variables. Please keep in mind, that they might differ from image to image.
You will find the available variables for your image on the Docker Hub README page of that image.
Feature | Variable | Default | Description |
SYSTEM | TZ | Europe/Berlin | Provide a custom timezone for the OS |
RECOVERY_MODE | 0 | Values: 1|0 if enabled, nothing will be done in the entrypoint when booting dockware. This allows you to access the container on problems | |
PHP | PHP_VERSION | PHP 7.4 | Switch to any of the installed PHP versions: 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2 |
NODE | NODE_VERSION | 12 | Switch to a different Node version (12 | 14 | 16) |
APACHE | APACHE_DOCROOT | /var/www/html/public | Sets the default DocRoot of Apache |
COMPOSER | COMPOSER_VERSION | not-set | Let's you switch between composer 1 and 2. |
SHOPWARE | SHOP_DOMAIN | localhost | If configured, dockware will set this domain for the default sales channel as http:// and https:// versions. |
SW_TASKS_ENABLED | 0 | If turned on, the container will automatically start cronjobs for scheduled tasks and message queue processing | |
SW_CURRENCY | not-set | Switch to a different default currency for the system, like GBP. This will be used in the administration. | |
SW_API_ACCESS_KEY | not-set | Provide a custom Sales Channel API Key when you want to use the StoreAPI | |
CI/CD | DOCKWARE_CI | If you run containers with DOCKWARE_CI=1 the containers will automatically quit after running your command. Use this if you use dockware as command runner in your CI/CD system. Please note, your containers should automatically exit once a custom command is provided. This is just fa fallback if they do not exit as expected. | |
BUILD_PLUGIN | If provided, the container will only build the provided plugin and immeditaly quit afterwards. |
Feature | Variable | Default | Description |
SSH USERS | SSH_USER | not-set | Name of the optional new SSH user that replaces the existing one from dockware |
SSH_PWD | not-set | Password of the optional new SSH user that replaces the existing one from dockware | |
MYSQL USERS | MYSQL_USER | not-set | Optional variable to create a separate MySQL user. This is the name of the user. |
MYSQL_PWD | not-set | Optional variable to create a separate MySQL user. This is the password of the user. |
Feature | Variable | Default | Description |
XDEBUG | XDEBUG_ENABLED | 0 | Enable or disable XDebug with either 1 or 0 as value. |
XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST | host.docker.internal | Use default value for MAC + Windows, and for Linux | |
XDEBUG_CONFIG | idekey=PHPSTORM | IDE Key identifier for XDebug | |
PHP_IDE_CONFIG | serverName=localhost | used for the serverName export for XDebug usage on CLI | |
TIDEWAYS | TIDEWAYS_KEY | not-set | API Key of the Tideways project |
TIDEWAYS_ENV | production | Optional identifier of the environment | |
TIDEWAYS_SERVICE | web | Optional identifier of the service | |
FILEBEAT | FILEBEAT_ENABLED | 0 | Activates the Filebeat daemon service (value 1). For this please provide a manual filebeat.yml for the container. You can do this with bind-mounting. |
Last updated